Young woman running on the beach

Treat Your Groin Pain & Get Back in Action Faster

Maybe something like this has happened to you?


You lace up your trail runners, excited for your trail run at Nisene Marks. You take off, feeling alive and connected to the redwoods. Each time your foot pushes off the ground, you get a little more pumped.


As you tackle that first challenging incline, you suddenly feel a sharp pain in your inner thigh. Then the discomfort radiates through your groin area.


Every step intensifies your discomfort. You begin to limp, and you can no longer continue your trail run.


In the days that follow, you're unable to do your regular run. Walking and sitting trigger the discomfort in your groin. This injury has paused your active lifestyle, and you are not happy. 


You think you may have "pulled your groin." Can your chiropractor help? Yes! Chiropractic can treat your pulled groin and help you get back to that blissful run on your favorite trail.


What does it mean to "pull your groin"?

Our patients may describe their issue as groin pain, groin sprain, or groin strain. No matter what you call it, it’s no fun!


When you "pull your groin," you’ve strained or torn the muscles located in the inner thigh or groin area. The groin muscles, known as the adductor muscles, play a crucial role in stabilizing your hip joint and facilitating leg movement. When these muscles are overstretched, or subjected to sudden movements or excessive force, they can become strained or torn.


We recently had a young male patient who suspected he had a groin pull. He plays baseball year-round on a travel ball team. He sprinted for a base and felt the groin pain.


He could barely walk into the clinic. He was hunched over and struggled to take a step. We checked his adductors and his psoas muscles. In his case, an injured psoas muscle was the cause of his groin pain.


What are the symptoms of a pulled groin?

Symptoms of a pulled groin typically include pain, tenderness, and swelling in the inner thigh or groin area. Movement involving the affected muscles can make your discomfort worse.


How do chiropractors diagnose a groin pull?

We diagnose a groin pull by examining the affected area, including your groin region and nearby structures.


We'll check for inflammation, limited movement and tenderness. We’ll also test muscle weakness, by having you squeeze your knees together against resistance—this helps us see if there is weakness or if that motion provokes pain.


We may also perform specific tests to evaluate the injury and rule out other possible causes of groin pain. If we believe your pain is something other than a groin strain, we may refer you for imaging tests like X-rays, ultrasound, or MRI to see what's going on internally.


How do chiropractors treat a groin pull?

Whether you run trails, walk your dog, or ride your cruiser down to your favorite surf spot, you’ll need a functional groin. We can treat your groin pull to ease your pain and discomfort, and promote healing.


We may use techniques such as:

  • Manual Adjustments: restore proper alignment and mobility
  • Massage or Myofascial Release: reduce muscle tension and improve flexibility
  • Recommended Therapeutic Exercises: strengthen the muscles and support healing
  • Lifestyle Modifications: proper warm-up and stretching to prevent further injury

Your particular treatment plan will center on your specific lifestyle needs and injury.


How long does it take for chiropractic to treat a groin pull?

The length of your treatment depends on the severity of the strain or tear. We usually tell patients 3-6 weeks, but your specific needs could vary.


What kind of self-care will help with my groin pull?

There’s a lot you can do to help yourself heal and avoid future injury. Make sure you’re working with a qualified healthcare provider before you jump into any new protocols.

  • Rest: Allow your body enough time to heal! Avoid activities that strain your groin area
  • Ice Therapy: ice may be recommended to reduce inflammation and ease pain
  • Compression: a compression bandage or wrap may provide support and reduce swelling
  • RockTape: we may determine that a specific taping application could help
  • Elevation: When resting, elevate your leg slightly to help reduce swelling
  • Gentle Stretching and Strengthening: certain exercises can promote healing and prevent future injuries
  • Heat Therapy: heat can help relax muscles and improve blood flow
  • Gradual Return to Activity: slowly try activities and sports once pain is reduced
  • Proper Body Mechanics: proper body mechanics during daily activities can reduce strain on your groin area


Doing a warm up can help you avoid a groin pull.

This 5-minute warm-up before you're active can help avoid many injuries, including groin pulls.


Concerned that you may have injured your groin?

If you're dealing with groin pain, we can help. Our chiropractors in Aptos are trained in many techniques to ease your pain and speed your healing. Schedule your appointment online to get a proper diagnosis and your personalized treatment plan. With proper treatment, your next fun trail run or mountain bike ride will come sooner than you think.


Want to learn more about hip conditions?

We’ve written an overview of many hip-related conditions.
Learn more about hip conditions and how chiropractic helps here.


Contact Information

 9053 Soquel Dr A
Aptos, CA 95003


(831) 661-5577
 (831) 851-3502

Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

Tuesday 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Wednesday 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Thursday 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Friday 09:00 PM - 04:00 PM

Saturday 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM

Sunday Closed

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