Flu Season? Good Habits Will Keep You Healthy

It’s that time of year, again! Sore throats. Coughs. Runny noses. Or worse—moderate flu complications like sinus and ear infections. Some patients even suffer from serious flu complications like pneumonia. 

No One Wants the Flu.

We know how the flu spreads, but we don’t often admit that we are guilty of helping it spread. It doesn’t have to be this way. We can take measures to reduce the viral spread of this illness. It begins with healthy habits.

How You Can Help Prevent the Flu.

The Cdc Has Good Recommendations Linked Here.

At Golden Chiropractic, we also have our tips and tricks for staying healthy during cold and flu season, which IS NOT ACTUALLY A SEASON, AS WE DISCUSSED IN THE ARTICLE LINKED HERE. The flu is a virus that spreads when we don’t keep up healthy habits. Here’s our list of habits that discourage the spread and growth of the flu.  

Be Physically Active

Regular exercise has many benefits—cardiovascular health and stress reduction to name two. It also helps to boost your immune system and promote healthy sleep. Rested bodies fight disease more effectively. 

Manage Your Stress

Stress will always be a part of our lives. Keeping stress at a moderate or tolerable level is the key. Physical and mental well-being are our primary immunity boosters. WE’VE PROVIDED 10 TIPS TO MANAGE YOUR STRESS AT THIS LINK

Avoid Sugar

Ingesting large amounts of sugar restrains immune system cells. This continues for at least a few hours after consuming a lot of sugar. We know, it’s the holidays, and there are so many delicious sugary snacks everywhere we go. Still, make an effort to keep the sugar in check, and you’ll keep the flu away. 

Wash Your Hands. Often

Flu viruses spread via droplets from infected people when they sneeze, cough, or blow their nose. Germs enter your body via your mucus membranes. Avoiding contact with your nose, mouth, and eyes prevents the germs from easy access to your body. 

It’s a good idea to wash up several times a day with soap and water for 20 seconds. Use an alcohol-based hand rub if soap and water are not available. This time of year, be the one who doesn’t spread the germs.

Stay Hydrated

Increasing your water intake will help you stay healthy. Hydration lessens the chance of you coming down with the flu. Drinking extra fluids when you’re ill prevents dehydration caused by fever, as well. It also loosens mucus and keeps your throat moist. Water is life! 

Warm liquids like hot tea and broth rich soups are preferable when you’re fighting the flu. Inhaling steam early in the course of a cold or flu may reduce the spread of viruses in your upper respiratory tract. 

As we all know, sometimes life gets so crazy that we can’t keep up with our healthy habits. That’s why we’ve put together a list of immunity-boosting products and services. 

The Golden Chiropractic Staff’s Top Picks for Immunity Boosting Products
Dr. Goldi Recommends—


Okay, it’s a service, not a product, but I stand by it for prevention of disease and injury. Your nervous system is the master control system of the body. Keep your nervous system healthy with regular chiropractic adjustments. With chiropractic maintenance, your immune system stays strong all year-round. 

Liquid Vitamin D

Sufficient levels of Vitamin D reduce your risk of infectious disease.

It strengthens your innate immune system. Vitamin D essentially makes your immune system smarter by teaching it to not attack itself. If you are deficient in vitamin D, you have an increased susceptibility to infection. LEARN MORE ABOUT THE BENEFITS OF VITAMIN D IN THIS ARTICLE


We carry UltraVir-X from Biotics. It provides key vitamins and specific minerals that support normal, healthy immune function.

Melissa Recommends—

Benedictine Herbs Deep Lung 3:1

Benedictine Herbs Deep Lung 3:1 is a fantastic tincture of herbal formulas. It wards off sickness, and is helpful for cold or flu symptoms. We usually sell out in the clinic. It’s also sold at Aptos Natural, Way of Life, and New Leaf. I love this small, local and family run company. 

Arbonne’s Immunity Booster

Arbonne’s Immunity Booster is awesome during this season to protect against illness. It’s full of helpful immunity and energy boosters—Vitamins C, D, B12, zinc, selenium, holy basil, olive leaf, elderberry, green tea, Yerba Mate, ginseng, and guarana. We stock it in the clinic. You may also contact Melissa at 831-239-6141 or Melissa@GoldenLightAptos.com to get your supply.  

Three Sisters Medicinals

Three Sisters Medicinals “cold and flu buster” spray is a wonderful mix of protective essential oils and colloidal silver. You can spray it on your body or around the room. It’s currently only available in the clinic and in limited supply. 

Carmen Recommends-
Echinacea/goldenseal Supreme Herbal Tincture by Gaia or Echinacea Premium Tablets by Standard Process

Echinacea and its constituents are used traditionally to:

  1. help enhance healthy immune system function
    possibly support normal interferon production for healthy immune system response
  2. support and promote healthy white blood cells
  3. support healthy immune system response following stress
  4. encourage healthy upper respiratory tract
  5. support healthy throat tissue

Congaplex by Standard Process—
Congaplex is Used for Short-term Support of the Immune System.

  1. Supports healthy immune system function
  2. Provides ingredients with antioxidant activity
  3. Supports the thymus gland
  4. Contains ribonucleic acid, which the body uses to build new cells
  5. Good source of antioxidant vitamin C

Cod Liver Oil—

  1. Natural profile of vitamin A and vitamin D which both boost the immune system
  2. Supports immune system response
  3. Supports healthy eyes and skin
  4. Supports epithelial tissue
  5. Supports bone and tooth health
  6. Supports musculoskeletal system
  7. May support mood challenges and liver function
  8. Supports the body’s natural inflammatory response function

Vitamin C Can—

  1. Prevent and Treat the Common Cold
  2. Increase Immunity
  3. Benefit Mood
  4. Prevent Hypertension
  5. Heal Cataracts
  6. Prevent Cancer
  7. Decrease the Aging Process
  8. Help the Cardiovascular System and Prevent Disease
  9. Lower Cholesterol Levels
  10. Reduce allergic reactions

Prescribed Chinese Herbal Formulation

Contact your acupuncturist to determine which formula is right for you. This will be dependent on the symptoms that are presenting as well as the stage or length of the illness.  

You Can Take Actions to Stop the Flu

As the saying goes, “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.” In our opinion, self-care is the best preventative medicine.

At Golden Chiropractic we believe taking action before an illness or injury is the right ounce of prevention. Avoid a pound of lost time, lost productivity, and lost fun during this festive season. Invest in your health now.


Contact Information

 9053 Soquel Dr A
Aptos, CA 95003


(831) 661-5577
 (831) 851-3502


Opening Hours

Monday 09:00 AM - 05:00 PM

Tuesday 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Wednesday 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Thursday 10:00 AM - 06:00 PM

Friday 09:00 PM - 04:00 PM

Saturday 09:00 AM - 01:00 PM

Sunday Closed

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