01/11/2022 by Dr. Michaela Peterson
Endometriosis and Inflammation: There’s a Link
Endometriosis can be annoying, and terrifying. The unpredictability regarding your own body when you’ve been diagnosed with endometriosis can drive you crazy. Management of this condition is often tricky, and over time dealing with it becomes tiresome.
Some women end up feeling completely hopeless. It’s a condition that can leave you wondering if you will ever be able to conceive, or ever have a consistent, normal period. It’s a lot to handle, and the symptoms can make life difficult.
Some symptoms mean pain or discomfort, others can feel life-shattering.
The symptoms of endometriosis include:
- Pelvic pain
- Painful intercourse
- Constipation
- Nausea
- Abnormal menstruation
- Infertility
- Miscarriage
Managing day to day life with endometriosis is challenging, to say the least.
An estimated 15-20% of all women of reproductive age suffer from endometriosis, particularly between the ages of 25 and 29. If you’ve got some of the above symptoms, you may be worried and wondering what's going on.
What’s happening in the body with endometriosis?
Endometriosis is defined as the presence of uterine tissue outside of the uterus.
Displaced uterine tissue behaves just as normal uterine tissue: it bleeds with a woman’s monthly cycle. But since this tissue is outside of the uterus, the blood has nowhere to go. It becomes trapped, irritating the surrounding structures.
Endometriosis is linked to inflammation.
Several studies have found increased inflammatory markers in patients with endometriosis compared to those without.
Anti-inflammatory protocols can help.
Decreasing levels of inflammation has been shown to decrease the severity of the symptoms of endometriosis and increase chances of conception.
We advocate for an anti-inflammatory diet.
Harvard suggests these dietary guidelines:
Avoid foods that trigger inflammation, such as:
- Red meat
- Fried foods
- Soda
- Refined carbohydrates, like white bread and pastries
- Margarine, shortening, and lard
Choose foods that fight inflammation, like:
- Green, leafy vegetables
- Berries
- Olive oil
- Tomatoes
- Nuts
- Fatty fish, like salmon
Also, consider adding anti-inflammatory supplements:
- Turmeric
- Curcumin
- Omega-3’s
Can chiropractic help cure endometriosis?
Endometriosis is a self-limiting disorder, meaning that it eventually goes away on it’s own. Employing an anti-inflammatory strategy to help lessen its effects can help ease the symptoms. Sadly, there is no cure, yet.
If you are having pelvic pain, do come see us! You can book an appointment here. If we think you are having symptoms linked to reproductive issues, we are always happy to make a referral to a qualified OBGYN.
It can be very frustrating to experience endometriosis, especially knowing that it’s not really curable. The good news is that treating inflammation can really help. It’s always best to work on a treatment plan with a qualified health provider to get the treatment plan that is right for you.